Saturday, February 14, 2015

A few Different Things

It's a sunny but chilly East Coastal morning and as I sit on my computer this is the view from my office window. Our office was actually our 2nd bedroom on the main floor, a bedroom that we didn't really need so our office was born. And we still have another bedroom on the lower deck so guests are always welcome. 

It's hard to believe that we have been living here for over a week and the dust is finally starting to settle. Although it's not perfect, we made time in our days to get back to normal life of exercise, computer stuff ... and even watching tv although we don't have satellite or cable at the moment. Thankfully we had some shows saved on a stick. 

As I reflect on the past week here's a few differences from my old life in Ontario which I took notice of. 

Gas & Milk prices are higher here; yikes! Other prices are similar or slightly higher.
Sales Tax is higher at 15%.

I have the feeling folks use cash here more than in Ontario. I noticed this while shopping & also found a whole 40 cents in 2 days. Hadn't found any change in a long time in Ontario.

Traffic is a lot less than in the GTHA and the speed on some highways is 110 km/hr. Less road salt is used here and the roads are often somewhat snow covered. 
Sidewalks get cleared by bobcats.

Although the temps this time of year are similar to Ontario it sure feels colder. It's a damp cold and it seems to go right through your bones. I nearly froze walking home from the gym the other day. Time to put on my long johns. 
Oh and snow we have plenty of that and apparently will be getting more tomorrow... Walked home between mountains of snow on the sidewalk. 

When it comes to waste and recycling, not everything gets picked up every week. Some weeks are recycling weeks and some weeks are trash weeks. Hope I get it straight! Trash is pretty much unlimited but you have to put it in clear white bags beyond your allowed 1 dark privacy bag. Recycling plastics & glass need to go in a blue clear bag (which you have to purchase). But paper & cardboard can be bundled or placed in grocery store bags. No Blue Bins here! Guess I won't be seeing any recyclables flying around the neighbourhood on windy days! 

For the first time in my life, I don't have mail delivered to my door. That was coming next spring to my old home but it's already here. Don't have to walk to far though, just to the end of the street. 

Well now that the dust is settling and we're getting back to a somewhat familiar but slightly different routine, visions of renovating are beginning to dance in our heads! Will keep you posted on that one with before and after pics. Stay tuned! 

View from front Office Window

Backyard, Sea Shell Wind Chime that the previous owner left behind. 


  1. Replies
    1. I like it too and will like it even more when I can sit outside and enjoy it!

    2. I like it too and will like it even more when I can sit outside and enjoy it!
